Great read, Derrick.
I'm always amused when people choose a certain body or brand over another because of the "color science" and then shoot only in RAW, sidestepping the JPG engine that delivers the "look" that they favor.
Or when the camera club "expert" only shoots in manual and dismisses auto ISO because he doesn't want to give up control to the camera ("I don't trust it!"). One wonders how many shots he's missed because the aperture and shutter speed from the shot he took five minutes ago are still dialed in and are completely inappropriate for the shot he's about to take...
For me, auto ISO was a game changer. Of the three sides of the exposure triangle, it's the one I care about least. Noise is easy to deal with, but there's really no fixing motion blur from choosing too slow a shutter speed or rescuing out-of-focus areas as a result of using too large an aperture. I set my maximum ISO for whatever value represents the most amount of noise I'm willing to tolerate and let the camera sort it out. It's really liberating, and I'd rather have an image with some noise than no image at all.